Information about the External Whistleblower System

RFSL is strengthening the existing whistleblowing routines by adding an external mechanism of submitting complaints and conducting inquiries. The new function will be managed by an external actor (namely Grey Advokatbyrå AB law firm) and is part of the ongoing measures taken to ensure that RFSL is experienced as a safe and secure environment for those seeking support, as well as other members, volunteers, elected representatives/officials, employees, partners and anyone else coming in contact with our organization.

Those who suspect serious irregularities in relation to persons active within RFSL, can make a complaint to the law firm Grey Advokatbyrå AB. The complaint should be submitted if there are objective and factually motivated grounds for investigating the person’s potential involvement in serious irregularities.

The External Whistleblowing System allows for submission of anonymous complaints. If you want to be anonymous, avoid sharing any details that might expose your identity or clearly state that you wish to remain anonymous.

To consider before filing the complaint:
– Make sure to write down the information at your disposal in as detailed and correct manner as possible;
– Who within RFSL is/are involved in or affected by the case you are reporting?
– Who is/are the person/s that, according to the complaint you are making, have allegedly violated the law or been involved in serious irregularities connected to RFSL?
– When did the incident/s occur?
– Describe in more detail the specific incident/s pertaining to your complaint (the description should include a clear distinction between what you know and what you assume or believe)
– Do you have any other relevant comments/information about the incident/s described in your complaint?

When the complaints are received by the law firm managing the external whistleblowing function, the first assessment of the case is made. Following the initial assessment, the law firm hands the case over to the internal investigation group at RFSL and makes a recommendation for further investigation or dismissal of the complaint. RFSL will also receive statistical information and overall picture of received complaints and organization’s auditors will have insight in how the cases are being handled.

Your complaint should be submitted to the law firm Grey Advokatbyrå AB.

Please, use the following contact information:
Phone: 070-792 04 24 (Opening hours: Monday-Friday 08.00-16.30)
Address: Birger Jarlsgatan 12, 114 34 Stockholm

Action Plan for Safety and Quality in RFSL

Members, people seeking support, partners, visitors, and individuals participating in our operations/activities should be assured that RFSL has routines and approaches to maintain safety and high quality of work in the organisation. It is especially important that a person who seeks support and who is in a vulnerable position can trust that they will safely receive the right support. It is not only about regulations, but also about culture and systematic work over time.

In this regard, some actions were initiated in 2020 and will be intensified in 2021. More actions will be taken during 2021 due to the current situation and new knowledge we have acquired.


  1. Reviewing the existing steering documents and routines on a national level (in progress)
  2. Reviewing the support in steering documents and routines from the national office and the branches (in progress)
  3. Reviewing the steering documents and routines in branches for coherence within all of RFSL (upcoming)
  4. Evaluating common rules about whistle-blowing, member networks, and RFSL Newcomers (upcoming)
  5. Improving the quality of information shared about whistle-blowing and complaint handling (in progress)
  6. Employing external expertise in whistle-blowing (in progress)
  7. Evaluating the handling of previous whistle-blowing, complaints, and incidents (upcoming)
  8. Reviewing support for whistle-blowers (upcoming)
  9. Arranging conversation groups and seminars about the culture of silence, consent, and vulnerability within RFSL and the LGBTQI movement.
  10. Ensuring well-developed and coherent routines, especially in the work with particularly vulnerable LGBTQI people within all of RFSL (upcoming)
  11. Developing/enhancing common guidelines for risk- and security analysis for project operations and assessing if, and how, projects can be safely carried out (in progress)
  12. Ensuring improved coordination and communication between the national office, the branches, and Newcomers (in progress)
  13. Ensuring that codes of conduct are updated and followed in internal training (in progress)
  14. Developing common requirements for volunteer training in the whole of RFSL (upcoming)
  15. Providing training about updated steering documents, routines, and values (upcoming)
  16. Developing safety routines and guidelines for handling of internal and external risks (in progress)
  17. Developing routines for crisis management at a national and local level (in progress)
  18. Increasing support in employment issues within all of RFSL (in progress)
  19. Strengthening work with operational audits within all of RFSL (upcoming)
  20. Employing external expertise for safety assessments (in progress)
  21. Ensuring well-developed and coherent quality reviews at the national office and in the branches (upcoming)
  22. Improving member communication (in progress)
  23. Clarifying division of responsibilities within RFSL and revision of statues
  24. Strengthening internal policy, competence, capacity and routines for dealing with sexual abuse
  25. Informing stake holders about the progress of the action plan