Tematiska och verksamhetsnära utbildningar

Are you interested in longer educations about inclusion, LGBTQI competence and equitable treatment linked to your specific line of work? Do you want to understand more about how heteronormativity affects the people your organization works with? Below you will find our profession-based educations that are between three and six hours long. They are all based on the Educators at RFSL Stockholm’s specific areas of expertise.

LGBTQI, equal rights, and the responsibility of the union

What is the union’s responsibility in working with active measures and discrimination? What can you as a union member or elected representative do to support LGBTQI people in your workplace? During this training, we look together at how norms and beliefs can be seen in our organizations and how these are connected with discrimination, harassment and psychosocial work environments. We conclude by looking at how you, as union members, can contribute to the work with active measures at your workplace.

Time: 3–6 hours

Price: 30.000 – 50.000 kr excl. VAT

LGBTQI and young people’s recreational and after-school activities

Are you starting a separatist hangout for young LGBTQI people or do you want to make your organization more inclusive for all young people regardless of sexuality, gender identity and expression? At RFSL Stockholm, we have long experience of working with young LGBTQI people. This education gives you perspective and tools to actively work with heteronormativity, intersectionality and young people’s recreational and after-school activities. Each organization can receive a copy of the book Egaliamodellen.

Time: 3–6 hours

Price: 30.000 – 50.000 kr excl. VAT

LGBTQI and norms surrounding (dis)abilities

This education is aimed at staff in group homes, serviced homes, daily operations or something similar. Here we focus on how heteronormativity and norms surrounding (dis)abilities interact and how you can work with LGBTQI issues within your organization. RFSL Stockholm has for several years worked with projects and activities for and by people wth varying types of disabilities. After the training, each business can receive Hbtq-handboken, Jobba vidare and Min verklighet.

Time: 3–6 hours

Price: 30.000 – 50.000 kr excl. VAT

LGBTQI, migration and asylum

Möter ni nyanlända, asylsökande eller personer som nyligen fått uppehållstillstånd i Sverige, i ert arbete? Den här utbildningen fokuserar på asylsökande hbtqi-personers livsvillkor och erfarenheter samt ger tips på hur ni kan göra er verksamhet mer inkluderande. Utbildningen grundar sig bland annat i erfarenheter ifrån RFSL Stockholms medlemsgrupp Newcomers.

Time: 3–6 hours

Price: 30.000 – 50.000 kr excl. VAT

LGBTQI, aging and elderly care

How do norms around sexuality and gender affect the elderly you meet in your organization? Are you interested in understanding more about how it is to age and face care for the elderly as an LGBTQI person? This training provides knowledge about LGBTQI and aging, Swedish LGBTQI history and tips on inclusive treatment within elderly care.

Time: 3–6 hours

Price: 30.000 – 50.000 kr excl. VAT

LGBTQI in schools and pre-schools

Do you want concrete tools to work with norms, intersectionality and equitable treatment with your students? Do you need tips on how to talk to children and young people about LGBTQI issues? This training gives you practical tools for just this! Together we try out different exercises and discuss how they can be adapted and used in your activities with children/students. We talk about how questions around norms, gender and sexuality can be integrated into the school or the preschool’s activities. After this education, each business receives a list of tips on free method materials for preschool and school.

Time: 3–6 hours

Price: 30.000 – 50.000 kr excl. VAT

LGBTQI and starting a family

Are you interested in knowing more about rainbow families and the challenges they may face in their everyday lives? This training is aimed at anyone who meets families in their professional role in, for example, preschool, social services and psychiatry. The training is based on RFSL Stockholm’s many years of work with rainbow families and gives tips on how you can make your business more inclusive for all types of families.

Time: 3–6 hours

Price: 30.000 – 50.000 kr excl. VAT

LGBTQI in libraries

Are you trying to figure out how you can work with LGBTQI issues in your library? Or do you want to increase your knowledge LGBTQI issues better your interactions with visitors? With the basis in the Swedish libraries’ democratic mission we delve deeply into issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. What does it all mean, can you, for example, display the rainbow flag in the library, and what do you do when you meet resistance from visitors? During this training, we try to find answers to some of these questions together.

Time: 3–6 hours

Price: 30.000 – 50.000 kr excl. VAT

Click here to book your education!

If you can’t find anything in our course catalog that specifically suits your organization and your needs, then we can tailor an education so that it fits the needs and goals of your organization!

If you have questions about our educations, you can contact us.