Jag är berättaren (I am the storyteller) is a project
for LGBTQ people living in group dwelling
or working on daily activities,
who want to write and tell stories.
The idea behind Jag är berättaren comes from
RFSL Stockholm’s meeting activities LGBTQ-hang out.
The project will be here for three years,
from September 2017 to August 2020.
Each year the project will produce an easy-to-read book.
Every week we meet.
At the meetings we write and tell stories together.
Sometimes we have authors visiting.
The first book of the project is called Min verklighet (My reality).
The second book came out in the summer of 2019.
It is called Min stolthet (My pride).
There are almost no books about LGBTQ people with disabilities.
Jag är berättaren is about to change that!
Jag är berättaren is receiving money from Allmänna Arvsfonden.

The book Min verklighet

The book Min stolthet
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