Charlotte Rivero, organizer of Stockhom International Queer Tango Festival , is happy to invite you to a paneldiscussion during Saturday  12th May at 16.00-17.15  at Hyllan, RFSL Stockholm, Sveavägen 59.
The paneldiscussion will be about:
Queer Tango Activism – Beyond Theory
The panel discussion will explore Queer Tango Activism and its goals. What is Queer Tango Activism? Is there a need for it? Can anybody practice activism? What are the available tools and resources?
A. Connecting Queer Tango and Queer Tango Activism
·        What is Queer Tango Activism in your experience/opinion?
·        Is there a need for Queer Tango Activism? Why?
B. Challenges in Queer Tango
·        What are some of the challenges you face in advocating Queer Tango?
C. How does one become a Queer Tango Activist? How easy is it to become a Queer Tango Activist?
·        What are the ways that Tango dancers can take effective action for change in the Queer and Mainstream Tango communities?